Wednesday 4 March 2009

Socialist Guy!

The exchange below was posted on the thread entitled Q&A at the loony far-left blog Lenin's Tomb.

[My post]
Mr. Seymour drives his Marxist steamroller through another topic, and as usual the results are flat.

Yours sincerely,
The Count etc. etc.

p.s. I read an interesting post here yesterday by a certain "John in Vientiane" in which he praised the "Marxist-Leninist honesty" and "iron logic" of Comrade Seymour. Rather bizarrely, this post was purged; why was that? [sniggers like Mutley in the Wacky Races]

[Response from another poster at Lenin’s Tomb]
Because John in Vientiane accidentally sent nude photos of himself and Geert Wilders bleaching their hair together attached to his post. I don't think that dying your pubes has anything to do with France do YOU John?
Thames water tea | 5 Mar, 01:26 | #

[My post]
Thames water tea, I sent the pictures on purpose not accidentally as you so erroneously claim. Incidentally, Geert also sent copies to Lord Ahmed, he thought they might keep him amused during his long days in prison.

Yours sincerely,
The Count etc. etc.

[My post]
Have you seen on Youtube the douche bag George Galloway interview Mr. Seymour about his new book? It's a scream, even funnier than an episode of Little Britain. Listening to Galloway pronounce "Murrr durrr" as in the "Liberal defence of murrr durrr" with his ridiculously affected proletarian Glaswegian accent is hilarious.

I'm thinking of writing to the BBC to suggest that Galloway be made into a character on Little Britain; after all, the man is a parody of himself.

Yours sincerely,
The Count etc. etc.

[Response from another poster at Lenin’s Tomb]
You're not funny you're just a fuck wit count!
SGuy | 5 Mar, 02:17 | #

[My post]
SGuy, but you certainly are funny! At least I'm laughing! I know I shouldn't mock the afflicted, but you should start getting treatment for Tourettes syndrome.

And what does the "S" stand for in "SGuy"? I bet it's "socialist", right? "Socialist Guy"; now that is funny, even more so because I bet you take yourself very seriously. Is "Socialist Guy" the next step up on the evolution ladder? "Homo Socialist Worker" with a smaller cranial capacity than "Homo Sapiens" but with extra large hands for holding placards and extra large voice boxes for shouting empty slogans.

Yours playfully,
The Count etc. etc.

[Responses from other posters at Lenin’s Tomb]
You're not funny you're just a fuck wit count!
SGuy | 5 Mar, 02:17 | #

Actually, SGuy, he's a no account.
Jay Vos | Homepage | 5 Mar, 05:55 | #

What a pathetic come back from the count! Of course what else does he have, he doesnt know anything about socialism or capitalism he just regurgitates right wing nonsense. Hurray for Israel, Yay Gitmo, he has no brain capacity he's a Bushite zombie!

oh yes count take a bite of a reality sandwhich at some stage, people actually use swear words shock horror! once again youre a fuck wit!

SGuy | 5 Mar, 06:17 | #

[My post]
SGuy, looks like you've a serious dose of the "Trots"; you are just such a stereotypical bloody-minded intolerant slogan-stuffed Trotskyite (or should that be troglodyte?). Judging by your silly, arrogant and presumptuous comments, I guess you're some gruesome spotty-faced Marxist activitist in his late teens who thinks he has all the answers. Given my past history, and what I have experienced in my life, it is indeed ironic that you assert that "I know nothing about Marxism"; I know more about it than you could ever imagine.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

A Case of the Trots.

With typical Marxist-Leninist honesty and iron logic, Comrade Seymour has once again here written another fine piece exposing the internal contradictions within the capitalist system. Working people everywhere are now enslaved, debt-ridden and ever-more exposed to uncertainty and exploitation because of the actions of the big-capital magnates, oligarchs and their running dogs in the so-called democratic states of the developed world and elsewhere. When one day the history of the peoples and their heroic struggle to establish a new world order based on the sound scientific principles of democratic socialism, in short, people's power, is written surely Comrade Seymour will feature prominently in it. Comrade Seymour has shown himself to be a worthy successor to the Great Lenin, whose shining example of selfless revolutionary struggle is indelibly burned into the hearts and minds of socialists and progressive peoples everywhere. Comrade Seymour’s blog, Lenin’s Tomb, has become a shining beacon, a lodestar for which comrades from everywhere can chart the course of their respective revolutionary struggles; it has also become a meeting place, a backroom where comrades can exchange ideas, analysis and compare notes with the regard to the state of the revolutionary struggle in their respective parts of the world.

Honest people, and the peoples of the world, draw their working conclusions from history, and the mud slung by the renegades, the infantile pseudo-Marxists and the trolls will soon be falling back in their faces.

Comrade Seymour, I salute you, I salute your perspicacity, your indefatigability and your principled stand against the enemies of working people everywhere.

John in Vientiane

Monday 2 March 2009

Lost in Translation?

A flight of fancy or a false memory perhaps? Nevertheless, there must be some element of truth in this rather whimsical short post I wrote in response to the piece entitled Fame at the far-left blog Lenin's Tomb. Bizarrely, even this post was eventually deleted from Lenin's Tomb; maybe just in case there is a dangerous counter-revolutionary message encoded somewhere within it.

In the 1970s, when I worked for the foreign-language section of Radio Tirana, I had a colleague who was tasked with translating Comrade Enver Hoxha's classic "Euro-communism is Anti-communism" into Danish. Copies of the book were later presented as gifts to a visiting delegation from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Denmark (Marxist-Leninist). What my former colleague would have given at that time for the Microsoft Word translation feature! And to think, the final result using such a tool would have been just as pellucid and intelligible as his actual translation! I also recall Hoxha's widow, Nexhmije Hoxha, presented him with a bottle of five-star Albanian cognac for his efforts.

A false memory? It must have been implanted during an alien abduction.

It's "Murrr Durrr !!!"

I've just watched George Galloway interview Mr. Richard Seymour about his new book, The Liberal Defence of Murder, on Youtube, and one of the things that struck me about the interview was George Galloway's exaggerated Glaswegian accent; he sounded like a cross between Rab C. Nesbitt and Taggart. The way Galloway says "murrr durrr", as in the liberal defence of "murrr durrr", is a wonder to behold. Is Galloway deliberately overdoing his regional accent in order to bolster his working-class credentials? Well, I do believe he is. I remember when he addressed Saddam Hussein, expressing his admiration for the dictator's "indefatigability", that it was not spoken as if directed at a bartender in Maryhill. So, is Galloway guilty of verbal fraud as well as the political variety? I think so!

Sunday 1 March 2009

What's Sauce For The Goose Is Sauce For The Gander

The piece below was posted by myself in the toxic far-left blog Lenin's Tomb in response to a piece about the comedian Bill Hicks, specifically with regard to how his jokes about Christ and Christians are viewed by the Islamo-Marxists as acceptable in contrast to the awe and respect they reserve for Islam where anything else is not tolerated. (Incidentally, I am not a practicing Christian).

I see that making jokes about Christians and their beliefs is acceptable. A statement about having a centrefold in Deuteronomy is fine. But what happens if someone starts making stereotypical jokes about Muslims, Islam and the Koran? Oh, I see that's racist bigotry, quite apart from putting the comedian's life in mortal danger. It would also spark lethal riots and demands for "respect" in the Islamic world. Whilst in the west, self-righteous pricks from the toxic far-left (if the cap fits, wear it) and nihilistic liberals would start screaming about "Islamophobia" and the need for "respect".

The Count of Monte Cristo in a Bubble Car owns a Teddy Bear called Mohamed

UPDATE: Apart from my post being deleted, the following is a response to it at Lenin's Tomb from a certain "sophie j" (note that semi-illiteracy of the poster in question):
"well count of Monte Cristo in a bub, your twisted comment above just goes to show what a nasty, twisted and racist idiot u r. Now Piss off."
Sophie J | 2 Mar, 07:02 | #

Thursday 26 February 2009

Binyam Mohamed: The Loony Left's New Poster Boy

In response to the following article at the loony far-left blog Lenin's Tomb:

Thursday, February 26, 2009
In the gulag for reading satire posted by lenin

Binyam Mohamed was kidnapped, tortured, mutilated and locked up in Kabul, Bagram, and Guantanamo Bay for almost seven years because he read a satirical article on the internet.

Labels: 'war on terror', bagram, cia, guantanamo, rendition, torture

I wrote the following:

Why doesn't it surprise me that someone like Binyam Mohamed should turn out to be the new poster boy for you lot? He ticks all the right boxes, doesn't he? Of course, you accept everything that he says about his alleged torture as the gospel truth because it matches your distorted ideological-driven world view. Whatever the circumstances of his original visit to Pakistan/Afghanistan (now a rite of passage for Islamists from all over the world, especially British-born Pakistani ones) what is certain is that he entered as you put it the American "gulag" (a word Marxists should use with care) and came out alive. This is in stark contrast to the fate that awaits anyone captured by Islamist fighters. At least the Americans didn't behead him, and then put the ghastly spectacle on the internet for the whole world to see. Compare this with, for example, what those Pakistani Islamist bastards did to the American journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002. They beheaded him slowly, to a frenzied chorus of "Allah Ahkbar", and then put video of the whole ghastly spectacle onto the internet. These are the type of people amongst those being held in Guatanomo, but you lot want them all released so that they can run amok and sow their seeds of destruction and mayhem against the western world. Why? Because you have common cause with them; or in the words of that old Rolling Stone's classic, you have sympathy with the devil. In fact, your association with the Islamist devil is more than sympathetic, it's positively Faustian. And when a dirty bomb is exploded in some major European city by Islamist terrorists, who were either released from custody or not taken into custody lest it violate their "human rights", I really hope some of you ideological pricks are around to get your share of the Strontium 90.

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Introducing Cristos: The Barely-Literate Radical Sixth-Former

Posted at the blog Lenin's tomb under the nom-de-plume of Cristos (the barely literate radical sixth former).

hi guys. thought i'd bring u all up to speed on the canteen occupation to show our solidarity and support for the palestinians. at my 6th form college we have had a sit in in the school's kitchen for the past week, and we're now threatening to extend it to include the library as well unless the zionist entity backs off from its total genocide against the palestinians and other arabs. check out my blog for pictures of the occupation.

i'm sure glad i've found this blog cause you guys are so radical and smart. when i get to uni next year i plan to join the socialist workers party because i am a communist and anti-imperialist. i no u guys like trostsky mainly and my history teacher said that stalin was a bad guy, but have u seen stalin on youtube. he is so cool and sure dealt well with those nazis, just like we should be doing with the zionists. when i'm at uni i'm thinking also that i might convert to islam cause those guys are so radical and don't take shit from anyone, specially the yanks.

anyway guys, revolutionary and fraternal greetings and please be sure to check out my blog for some cool pictures of our canteen occupation.


Below posted in the thread Obama's Props

jabar, i agree with lenin cause obama is just another yankee imperialist like the bush babe. not only does obama do nothing about the zionist entity's like total genocide against hamas but now he wants to start a war against the korean peoples democratic republic. i hope the koreans stand up for their freedom and show them yankees the door just like what happened in iraq and panama. at least pakistan is standing up to yankee imperialism by implementing shariah law in the swat valley. i'm reading uncle tom's cabin in my a-level english class and seriously obama is just like Uncle Tom, with the military industrial complex as simon legree.

(Occupation of school canteen in solidarity with the palestinians is now in its eight day. check out my website for pictures)