Thursday, 26 February 2009

Binyam Mohamed: The Loony Left's New Poster Boy

In response to the following article at the loony far-left blog Lenin's Tomb:

Thursday, February 26, 2009
In the gulag for reading satire posted by lenin

Binyam Mohamed was kidnapped, tortured, mutilated and locked up in Kabul, Bagram, and Guantanamo Bay for almost seven years because he read a satirical article on the internet.

Labels: 'war on terror', bagram, cia, guantanamo, rendition, torture

I wrote the following:

Why doesn't it surprise me that someone like Binyam Mohamed should turn out to be the new poster boy for you lot? He ticks all the right boxes, doesn't he? Of course, you accept everything that he says about his alleged torture as the gospel truth because it matches your distorted ideological-driven world view. Whatever the circumstances of his original visit to Pakistan/Afghanistan (now a rite of passage for Islamists from all over the world, especially British-born Pakistani ones) what is certain is that he entered as you put it the American "gulag" (a word Marxists should use with care) and came out alive. This is in stark contrast to the fate that awaits anyone captured by Islamist fighters. At least the Americans didn't behead him, and then put the ghastly spectacle on the internet for the whole world to see. Compare this with, for example, what those Pakistani Islamist bastards did to the American journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002. They beheaded him slowly, to a frenzied chorus of "Allah Ahkbar", and then put video of the whole ghastly spectacle onto the internet. These are the type of people amongst those being held in Guatanomo, but you lot want them all released so that they can run amok and sow their seeds of destruction and mayhem against the western world. Why? Because you have common cause with them; or in the words of that old Rolling Stone's classic, you have sympathy with the devil. In fact, your association with the Islamist devil is more than sympathetic, it's positively Faustian. And when a dirty bomb is exploded in some major European city by Islamist terrorists, who were either released from custody or not taken into custody lest it violate their "human rights", I really hope some of you ideological pricks are around to get your share of the Strontium 90.

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