Sunday, 1 March 2009

What's Sauce For The Goose Is Sauce For The Gander

The piece below was posted by myself in the toxic far-left blog Lenin's Tomb in response to a piece about the comedian Bill Hicks, specifically with regard to how his jokes about Christ and Christians are viewed by the Islamo-Marxists as acceptable in contrast to the awe and respect they reserve for Islam where anything else is not tolerated. (Incidentally, I am not a practicing Christian).

I see that making jokes about Christians and their beliefs is acceptable. A statement about having a centrefold in Deuteronomy is fine. But what happens if someone starts making stereotypical jokes about Muslims, Islam and the Koran? Oh, I see that's racist bigotry, quite apart from putting the comedian's life in mortal danger. It would also spark lethal riots and demands for "respect" in the Islamic world. Whilst in the west, self-righteous pricks from the toxic far-left (if the cap fits, wear it) and nihilistic liberals would start screaming about "Islamophobia" and the need for "respect".

The Count of Monte Cristo in a Bubble Car owns a Teddy Bear called Mohamed

UPDATE: Apart from my post being deleted, the following is a response to it at Lenin's Tomb from a certain "sophie j" (note that semi-illiteracy of the poster in question):
"well count of Monte Cristo in a bub, your twisted comment above just goes to show what a nasty, twisted and racist idiot u r. Now Piss off."
Sophie J | 2 Mar, 07:02 | #

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